Folding@home: Disease Research for Armchair Researchers
Did you know that you can help cure diseases just by letting your computer run while you do other things? Folding@home is a program that lets you make use of…
Did you know that you can help cure diseases just by letting your computer run while you do other things? Folding@home is a program that lets you make use of…
For the modest price of $1,500,000,000 (that's $1.5 billion dollars), you too could set foot on the moon. Although the idea is exciting to those looking forward to a space…
As a new smartphone owner, I'm continuing to look for useful free apps - and it seems that I found quite a few that even long-time smartphone owners haven't found!…
If you are having trouble with your website images working on your computer but not showing up online, your website likely cannot access the images. (To better read the text…
For those students currently taking any IT101 or CS213 section, one problem I've been asked about in web design is the difference between .HTML (or just .HTM) files and .CSS…