Automatically Upload WordPress Posts to Facebook and Twitter

Do you have a WordPress blog? Are you tired of having to manually bast out information from your blog to Twitter and Facebook? Luckily, a lot of developers have already created apps that will handle this problem. NetworkedBlogs is a Facebook app that connects your blog with Facebook and Twitter accounts so that they are updated any time you create a new blog post. This application does other things of course, but this is the most practical in my eyes. It’s pretty simple to use and does not require that you create a new application.

Interested? Here’s a step-by-step list of instructions to get you automatically posting to Facebook in no time.

  1. Search for NetworkedBlogs on Facebook
  2. Complete the registration steps for NetworkedBlogs in your personal account.
  3. After registering with NetworkedBlogs, go back to the application and click the button Register a Blog. This should be in the top right hand side of the window.
  4. Enter the blog link (the actual location of the WordPress blog). The application will search for the RSS feed of your site and pull information from the site.
  5. Enter the Blog Name, this will be used later to identify your blog when you syndicate it on your Facebook page or Twitter feed.
  6. Don’t forget to select a language, enter your email and agree to the terms of service.
  7. Then, click on the Syndication blog.
  8. Select the blog to syndicate.
  9. You can tell it to add a Facebook Target, and/or a Twitter target. These would be the pages and feeds on which that you would want notifications of your new posts to show up.
  10. You’re done!