Explore Windows 8 Customer Preview at Sandbox

I wonder! What will be the genuine final Windows 8 whose pre-releases versions are this much rocking and popular? Time to time Windows 8 dev team have launched many builds and previews. Windows 8 in Sandbox had been migrated from Developer Preview into Customer Preview. Come and explore!


February 29th ,2012 was the very awesome day in Windows 8 history when Microsoft launched the Windows 8 beta that is Consumer preview. Windows 8 consumer preview is different from developer preview but its offering you many more then what we could get from Windows 8 developer preview. Though there were many issues and trouble with Developer Preview but Consumer previews has been designed with more ease and less minimum system requirements. This is the reason Windows 8 Consumer preview has been downloaded more then million times within the 24 hours of release by Microsoft. On the day of releasing Windows 8 Beta, Windows head Steven Sinofsky revealed that Microsoft has made over 100,000 major code changes to Windows 8 since the Developer Preview was released. The new Start screen is built to support hundreds of apps in Windows 8, while the Windows 7 Start menu could only show a handful. Windows 8 Consumer Preview is smoother than the Developer Preview as there are many new things like metro style interface and fully touched. But you need yo be careful during the Installation of Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Sinofsky also said that Microsoft will follow its past release schedules with Windows 8 as well. Release Candidate version will be the next release after that Release to Manufacturer(RTM) version. After that, Windows 8 will finally be available to the public.