QR Codes

QR code – Quick Response code is a type of matrix that consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. QR codes are commonly aimed at mobile phone users. If you have a camera-equipped smartphone with a QR code reader, your phone can scan the image of a QR code to display text, contact information, connect to a wireless network or open a web page in your phone’s browser.

Many Android, Nokia, Blackberry handsets, and the Nintendo 3DS, come with QR code readers installed. Moreover there are number of online QR code generators where users can create QR codes for their own needs.

Even though QR codes are relatively simple to set up and use, many don’t know where to begin. To start, check out Qr.net and createandtrack.com, just two of the hundreds of sites that offer QR code creation.
Here is a sample of a QR code which links to our SandBox.
m, just two of the hundreds of sites that offer QR code creation.