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Please scan the QR Code or sign in at so that we know you are here (regardless of whether you are visiting in person or online!) We rely on…
You may have noticed that we spruced up the CIS Sandbox website during the past few weeks. We redesigned the home page, moved around some content to make it easier to find, and gave the entire site a “clean” look with a new splash video to give visitors a sense of being in the CIS Sandbox, simple navigation icons, and our tutoring schedule on the front page. There are a few more subtle changes that you may not have noticed.
2/16/2022 Josh Nwozor Meta In Person MSIT, 2017 Career Opportunities in Metaverse : how I got hired in the emerging tech industries 2/23/2022 Henry SooHoo Deloitte Online? BS Eco/Fi 2020…
The enthusiasm and accomplishments of the alumni featured say more about the value of the CIS Sandbox than we ever could.
"The CIS Sandbox has become a space that supports students in their tech learning at whatever stage they are — and now, where ever they are." —Mark Frydenberg
Bentley's CIS Sandbox opened in the Fall of 2011 with a vision for providing a social learning space where students can gather to learn about technology as it relates to…
As the CIS Sandbox celebrates its 10th year as Bentley's Technology Social Learning Space, we found some of our favorite promotional videos and organized them into this YouTube playlist. Watch…
Welcome Back! The CIS Sandbox will open virtually on September 3 for IT 101 Jumpstart Sessions, physically in Smith 234 on September 8, and virtually for all classes on September…
Last day of tutoring for spring semester is tomorrow, Wednesday May 5th. The CIS Sandbox will be closed on Thursday, May 6th. Good luck on your finals!