Sandbox Stats
Lots of interesting stats from the Sandbox this semester. We ran this presentation last week at our open house. If you're one of the 500+ people who swiped in during…
Lots of interesting stats from the Sandbox this semester. We ran this presentation last week at our open house. If you're one of the 500+ people who swiped in during…
It's the beginning of a new week - the last week of classes in 2011, woo! - and the CIS Sandbox has a new face. Introducing the the winning logo…
The CIS Sandbox tutors have helped over 70 Students in various CS classes since we opened on Sept. 26. Above is the breakdown of the students recorded for these classes. …
For those students currently taking any IT101 or CS213 section, one problem I've been asked about in web design is the difference between .HTML (or just .HTM) files and .CSS…
You've probably wondered what the giant LCD tv's in Smith have been flashing around. If it was too quick for you to catch, here is the presentation that is on…
Life at Bentley moves fast. Stay connected by following @cisSandbox on Twitter to keep up to date on news and events happening at the Sandbox!
Please swipe in whenever you use Smith 212 or Smith 234 to help us get a better sense of who uses our Study Space (Smith 212) and our Technology Sandbox…
Kind of. See below. It's a start!
The CIS Tutoring and Technology Labs will be open for the first day of classes on a limited schedule in Smith 212 as we put final touches on Smith 234.…