Welcome to the CIS Learning and Technology Sandbox!

Bentley’s Computer Information Systems Learning and Technology Sandbox is a place to learn about, and with, new technology. We strive to create an inviting, collaborative space for exploring new technologies, and to support student learning for our courses in ways that resonate with today’s digital students.

Our assistants help students in CIS courses, IT 101, ITCA, and other courses with class assignments as well as general technology questions. In addition to tutoring, each CIS Sandbox assistant also develops his or her own professional skills by contributing to the CIS Sandbox blog, preparing software demonstrations using new technologies, managing social media, creating videos, or providing administrative support necessary for the day-to-day operation of the CIS Sandbox.

The facility has four tables with large monitors for group collaboration, several desktop computers running Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems, a Google TV, a SMART Board, and an xBox. In addition to providing tutoring support for IT 101 and CIS courses, the CIS Sandbox hosts several workshops throughout the year on current computing topics. The CIS Sandbox is located in Smith 234, near the Trading Room. For more information about hours, services, and staff, please visit http://cis.bentley.edu/sandbox .

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Over the summer we’re going to be transforming the CIS Lab in Smith 234 to a state-of-the art technology and learning facility we’re calling “the sandbox.” Stay tuned!